Send Triggered Email
To send a triggered email, use the following URL pattern:
Replace the placeholders with your specific information:
You can find the required IDs by clicking the Code Guide button on a triggered email card:
In the Code Guide dialog, these values are automatically filled in. If you copy the code snippets, make sure to replace ##YOUR_API_KEY##
Request Body
"emails": [""],
"triggeredId": "##EMAIL_ID##",
"data": {
"example": "example merge tag value"
"attachments": [] // optional
You can include personalization data (merge tags) in the data
object. These tags are processed by Handlebars when the email is sent.
cURL Example
curl -X POST \
"" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ##YOUR_API_KEY##" \
-d '{
"emails": [""], // TODO: Change email addresses
"triggeredId": "##EMAIL_ID##",
"data": {
// TODO: Add merge tag values
JavaScript Example
const url = '';
const response = await fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer ##YOUR_API_KEY##' // TODO: Replace ##YOUR_API_KEY##
body: JSON.stringify({
emails: [''], // TODO: Change email address
triggeredId: "##EMAIL_ID##",
data: {
// TODO: Add merge tag values
PHP Example
$apiKey = "##YOUR_API_KEY##";
$url = "";
$emails = [""]; // TODO: Change email addresses
$triggeredId = "##EMAIL_ID##";
$data = [
// TODO: Add merge tag values
$payload = json_encode([
"emails" => $emails,
"triggeredId" => $triggeredId,
"data" => $data
$options = [
"http" => [
"header" => [
"Content-Type: application/json",
"Authorization: Bearer $apiKey"
"method" => "POST",
"content" => $payload,
$context = stream_context_create($options);
$result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
API Responses
Code | Name | Message | Description | JSON Response Example |
200 | - | - | The request was successfully processed. | json { "status": 200 , "result": {"success": true} } |
400 | VALIDATION_ERROR | Project Email AWS configurations not found. | Missing AWS configurations in project. | json { "status": 400, "error": {"name": "VALIDATION_ERROR", "message": "Project Email AWS configurations not found."} } |
400 | VALIDATION_ERROR | Missing required parameters: triggeredId . | The request is missing mandatory fields for processing. | json { "status": 400, "error": {"name": "VALIDATION_ERROR", "message": "Missing required parameters: triggeredId."} } |
405 | METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED | Insufficient credits available. | Occurs when the account lacks the necessary credits to send an email. | json { "status": 405, "error": {"name":"METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED", "message": "Insufficient credits available."} } |